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INDEX Academic Leadership Summit

June 25-28, 2025 | Jackson Hole, WY

Jackson Hole, WY

Dates, Venue, and Tentative Schedule

June 25-28, 2025. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Attendees will stay in lodges at the base of the Teton Mountains west of Jackson Hole.

June 25

  • Afternoon – arrival with pickup at Jackson Hole, WY airport
  • Summit kickoff – building connections and exploring shared challenges and experiences.
  • Dinner

June 26

  • Morning – setting intentions, grounding exercise, teams work on projects
  • Afternoon – progress updates, brainstorming, peer review. discussion of shared challenges, solutions, best practices
  • Dinner and outdoor music concert against backdrop of Teton Mountains.

June 27

  • Morning – team work block
  • Afternoon – group feedback and idea exchange. 
  • Dinner and Rodeo

June 28

  • Departure with transportation to Jackson Hole, WY airport

Summit Details

The Summit is a 4-day, all-expenses-paid retreat in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for 8 senior academic leaders from INDEX schools. The objectives of the Summit are 1) to foster and support independent research projects on current issues in K-12 education and 2) to cultivate connections and collaboration among INDEX schools.
The agenda will include time for attendees to work collaboratively on a shared research project, to exchange ideas and conduct peer reviews, and to discuss shared challenges and best practices.
Attendees must be recommended by their Head and will be selected based on an application process. Preference will be given to 4-member teams collaborating on the same project. Teams must consist of 4 senior academic leaders from 4 distinct INDEX schools.


INDEX will assume all costs for the Summit, including all meals, lodging, and transportation expenses incurred during the event. The sending school will be responsible for the round-trip transportation expense to Jackson Hole, Wyoming (JAC) and a nominal $200 commitment fee.

Key Requirements

  • Candidates must be on the senior academic leadership team of an INDEX school and must be recommended by the Head of School.
  • Candidates must submit an application which includes a description of a well-defined project that will positively impact independent school education.
  • Candidates submitting a team proposal will receive priority consideration. The team must consist of 4 senior academic leaders from 4 separate INDEX schools. 

Application Form

If submitting a team proposal, please submit it under one name and include the names of the other team members in the space provided on the application form (do not submit 4 applications, if applying as a team.)

INDEX Committment

DEIB Statement

INDEX is comprised of a diverse group of schools, and we strive to honor and respect the diverse voices, roles, and perspectives of our members. During our time together, we expect that individuals will foster and promote a sense of belonging, appreciation, inclusion, and understanding, so that these diverse voices are heard and have an impact on our collective learning. It is our hope that this support and collaboration will be carried back to our member schools as well.