Notable Numbers – December 2023

Teacher Attrition Down 18%

Median teacher attrition decreased 18% in 2022-23, a welcome relief from the double-digit increases during the pandemic years. At 10.3%, it now stands at about the same rate as in 2018-19, the year before the pandemic. 

Non-Teacher Attrition Down 14%

Median year-over-year non-teacher attrition dropped 14%, also the first decrease since the pandemic. At 8.9%, however, it is still 14% above its pre-pandemic (2018-19) rate of 7.8%.

16% Attrition Gap for Teachers of Color

The median teachers of color attrition rate is 11.9%, and the median total teacher attrition rate is 10.3%, putting the teachers of color attrition 16% above the rate for all teachers. Because total teacher attrition includes teachers of color, we can deduce that the difference between teachers of color and white attrition is greater than 16%.

Teacher PD up 36%

In 2022-23, INDEX schools invested an average of $188,400 on teacher professional development, a 36% increase over the prior year. 

Recruitment Fees up 29%

Schools are spending 29% more on teacher recruitment fees than they did 5 years ago. This equates to a roughly 7% annual increase in fees over the last 5 years.

Notable Numbers is a monthly email from INDEX. If you see a notable number, please send it to