INDEX's instant online, downloadable, customizable reports include current and 10-year trends. Reports are downloadable to pdf, excel, and ppt formats.
Annual Report - A comprehensive benchmark report measuring school performance in 15 different areas of operations.
Dashboards - Key performance metrics at-a-glance.
Data Visualizations - Analysis of data in three ways, including a 10-year trend.
Executive Compensation Reports - A benchmark report of schools' high-ranking personnel.
Financial Equilibrium - KPI of your school's financial health.
Positive Progress - A report highlighting schools making the most progress on key metrics
INDEX offers an array of role-specific listservs, annual meetings, and discussion series to facilitate information sharing and collaboration among our member schools.
Our proprietary survey tool allows members to create surveys, share results, and archive and search past inquiries.
A periodic email of interesting and noteworthy INDEX data.