50% Growth in Marketing & Communications FTE’s
The median number of Marketing & Communications FTE’s has grown 50% in the last 5 years. In 2016-17, the median FTE’s in the Marketing & Communications Office was 2.0, and this year it stands at 3.0, or a growth a one full FTE. Of course, this number correlates with school size, so when benchmarking in your INDEX portal, be sure to use schools of similar size. (INDEX Annual Report>Personnel>Administrative Staffing)
42% Growth in Marketing & Communications Budgets
The median INDEX School Marketing & Communications Budget (salaries + other budgeted expenses) has grown 42% in the last 5 years, and now sits at $498 per student. Extrapolating, this means that the median Marketing & Communications budget for a 1,000 student school is about $500,000. (INDEX Annual Report>Marketing & Communications)
43% to Require COVID Vaccinations for All Employees Next Year
In a recent INDEX Member Survey, 43% of the 55 responding schools will require COVID vaccinations for all faculty and staff as a condition of employment for the 2022-23 school year. A similar percentage will not require proof of vaccination, and 17% are uncertain at this time. (INDEX PORTAL>SURVEYS)
3 College Placement Professionals
The median number of College Placement FTE’s at INDEX Schools is 3 professionals (this number excludes non-exempt staff.) The number of FTE’s correlates with the size of the Upper School, so when benchmarking in your INDEX portal, be sure to benchmark with schools of similar size. (INDEX Annual Report>Personnel>Administrative Staffing)
29% of Teachers Coach
On average, 29% of teachers at INDEX Schools also coach an interscholastic sport, and roughly half of these teachers coach one team, and half coach more than one team per year. (INDEX Annual Report>Athletics>Interscholastic Coaching)