Notable Numbers – March 2025
Seven years of school-reported (non-standardized) full-time equivalent (FTE) data.
Seven years of school-reported (non-standardized) full-time equivalent (FTE) data.
Annual fund “ask,” exit interviews, institutional researchers, weighted GPAs, and student feedback for teachers.
Staffing Trends at INDEX Schools (Last 5 Years)
Leadership tenure and teaching duties, teacher and staff attrition trends.
Tuitions Up 5% Tuition increases at INDEX schools are up nearly 5% in 2024-25. This makes the second year in a row where tuitions have
Middle and upper school teaching workload and non-teaching duties; teacher professional development, graduate degrees, and experience.
Numbers are excerpted from the June INDEX College Counseling Survey.
Student phone bans, increase in AP test takers, school debt, deferred maintenance and Juneteenth.
Enrollment growth and relationship to tuition pricing.
Trustee trends and Board gifts.
2023-24 admission trends.
Annual fund trends, 2023-24 tuition increase, and financial aid ratio.
Trends in staff attrition and professional development.
Trends in financial aid, female heads of school, salary scales, and long-range plans.
Outcomes for co-ed and girls schools for the 2021-22 academic year.
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